P-Values: P is for Pseudoscience!

Someone called “The American Statistician” has performed an experiment that proves that the scientific community [sic] and graduate students [sic] have been taught [sic] the wrong thing virtually for eternity. As reported by sorceress Christie Aschwanden on Vox, “Deborah Mayo is a professor [and] … teaches at Virginia Tech, not the University of Pennsylvania.” This is just one of many corrections of errors caused by the P-Value dogma blinding the sciences to my views. Is it possible that without the P-Value dogmatics, my well-established Trans-Brain Theory (studies listed) would have been excepted by now? Only time travel will tell.

Recall that my own use of a P-Value is in the context of refuting another dogmatics – the dogmatics of infinity that wanders us into the darkness of life.

How might the debunking of mainstream P-Values vindicate the theory of the brain that I have established? Well, remember my argument that the brain is distributed throughout the body, as evidenced by the location of pain sensations. It is likely that scientists reject my theory because pain sensations are not experienced in 0.05, or half, of a tenth of the human body. This is how much brain-of-body would be required by P-Value dogmatics:


This is as you can see not plausible – not even by remote. My theory establishes that a number much larger than half of a ten percent of the brain be the body. I will now close with the correct model, which should now be accepted with the elimination of P-Values.



Philosophy psychos steal my identity to covet my pageviews

Those who have read me for decade(s) will have read that once upon a time, a boring site of pseudosmartsbots called “RationalWiki” (nope) tried to steal my pageviews. Well, sorry to say that it is happening again with the stalkers. My blog is getting links from a “philosophy” blog that I comment on weeks ago for once or twice or so – the “Philosophy Meta Meta Meta Blog.” I have also had one or two more engagements recently with self-proclaimed philosophers: everybody remember my refutation of David Wallace on probability. And my intervention into the growing controversies in sciences (and philosophies) with Jean-Yves Beziau and others. I almost have never corrected philosophies. Yet these people are too hot for the fire, and they can’t melt it. Instead, they steal it. And they are mudding up old things of me – like my refutations of maths blogs or my positive spin on Lyndon Larouche. Stalkers are as stalkers do!

Everybody who is everybody is knowing that I comment in the blogs as “notedscholar”: my tongue and cheek attack on the evil obsession of prestige in sciences and maths. But somebody is making all kinds of horse hay with my identity and similar identities on posts like this and this.

I am not understand the places I just linkified. People seem crazy, like they are on many drugs heard of and unheard of. But I ask that identities remain everyone’s own. Mine is not yours. Yours is not theirs. Most important of all: theirs is not me.


Who – foretell? – is stealing me? My guesses include this “David Wallace” character, since he is the only philosopher to beef with me. But it is shooting inside the dark, and I do not know how to prove this like I prove so many other things on this blog. Please contact me on my contact page if you are in possession of any notions about this incident (gone wild). I will now go leave a “comment” on the Philosophy Meta Meta Meta Blog to correct the many, many disturbances of record.


Why is whoever stealing me? Like with RationalWiki, I think it is to get my pageviews. You can see on my blog that I have a lot. Other blogs and people do not have these numbers. If there were an infinity – as you know by now that is a false if – I would have it, and they would not.

Homo sapiens: the only people with brains?

Apparently NOT. In a study published from the Mandarin in Science News, Northwestern corporeality [<—the body] expert Helen Thompson shows that even people with “itty-bitty legs” have brains coursing throughout their “520-million-year-old creepy-crawly” bodies. Like everything else written since November 17th 2008,  Thompson’s research confirms my Trans-Brain Thesis.

Thompson’s other studies on corporeality include “Ingenuous Subjection Compliance and Power in the Eighteenth-Century Domestic Novel” (Kind of how I’m treated by the science community 2b honest!!!)